No | Name | Domain | Dty | Len | Scale | Nulls | Foreign Key | Description |
1 | FKY_TAB_MASTER | DV_SQLID | C | 30 | N | TDD_TABLE.TAB_NAME | Table name. | |
2 | FKY_COL_MASTER | DV_SQLID | C | 30 | N | TDD_COLUMN.COL_NAME | Column name. | |
3 | FKY_VAL_MASTER | DV_CODE | I | 4 | Y | Additional value predicate. If this is not NULL then FKY_VCO_SLAVE indicates the column to which the value should be equal to. | ||
4 | FKY_TAB_SLAVE | DV_SQLID | C | 30 | N | TDD_TABLE.TAB_NAME | Table name. | |
5 | FKY_COL_SLAVE | DV_SQLID | C | 30 | N | TDD_COLUMN.COL_NAME | Column name. | |
6 | FKY_VCO_SLAVE | DV_SQLID | C | 30 | Y | TDD_COLUMN.COL_NAME | Column name. | |
7 | FKY_LOV_DISPCOL | TDD_COLNUM | I | 2 | Y | Column to display during default LOV processing. NULL indicates all columns. A value greater than the number of columns in the LOV table will show the return column. Otherwise the column indicated will be shown. | ||