Returns basic information about a list.
Available in:
Apps (win) |
Apps (char) |
Reportwriter |
Standalone PL |
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group list_info(list_name)
list list_name
Returns information about a list. The values are returned using the
TRIMpl group format.
list_name | specifies the list.
Currently there are four return values:
- Lists in list (integer)
- Number of heap blocks (integer)
- Number of bytes allocated (numeric)
- Number of bytes used (numeric)
Every list has its own heap. A large amount of unused space in the list's heap
does not necessarily indicate a problem because others lists in the application
might be 95% utilized.
If the number of lists in lists is large, for example a bill of materials
parts explosion, and each list has few records, then the unused space count
may lead to unnecessary
memory pressure, both real and virtual.
If a function is known to likely create many sparsely populated lists in lists,
then reducing the heap_size (set_option(soc_heapsize,n)) before
calling and resetting it on exit may improve system performance.