Gets user input from screen field without validating the data.
Available in:
Apps (win) |
Apps (char) |
Reportwriter |
Standalone PL |
X |
X |
void raw_input([variable])
ident variable
Accepts data entered into the currently active field
by the user. It does not validate the data and the data is not moved to
the field. Can be used anywhere on the screen.
variable | (optional) specifies the variable in which to put the user
data. The variable must be a char/string and at least as large
as the field. If no variable is specified, the application waits
for an active key press.
If the input field resides on a page that isn't the active page, the active
page is changed.
The alarm setting, busy_alarm, in trim/gui.ini helps you
control a runaway query or looping function. For complete information, refer to
trim/gui.ini documentation in the DesignVision Users Guide or
Trifox Resource Manual.
Wait for user to complete query value in field.