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TRIMtools is the TRIMpl scripting language system. It is a prerequisite for DesignVision.


Vortex contains the database drivers, embedded SQL precompilers, VORTEXserver networking tools, VORTEXjava, VORTEXjdbc, VORTEX++, and VORTEXperl. It is a prerequisite for DesignVision. The evaluation network daemon times out every four hours.


DesignVision Vortex contains the application development system. It requires TRIMtools and Vortex as well as a Windows client.

If the operating system bundle you want is not listed, then we may be in the process of updating the files. Please send us a request.

 »  Evaluator Information

*Note: This information is for our use in providing accurate support during your evaluation.

© 1985-2025 Updated 28 Jul 2016.