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VORTEXjava/VORTEXjdbc Extensions


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VORTEXjava references the vortex.properties file located in the same directory as vortex.jar. If this properties file is found, then VORTEXjava looks for various logging and network connection properties. These are:
connect_timeout Number of seconds to wait for a connection.
environment_variables A comma separated list of environment name/value pairs to set on the server side of the connection
key_connect Integer key to use for uid/pwd obfuscation. It must match the -kn vtxnetd option value.
logfile The name of the logfile, e.g. /tmp/test. ".log" will be appended to the filename.
logopts A "+" separated list of logging options. The current supported options are:
FULLCreate a detailed logfile output. The default is much less verbose.
MULTIAppend a timestamp to the logfile name.
TIMEInsert timing data in the logfile output.
read_timeout Number of seconds to wait for a read response.


The dbChannel.connect() can optionally take a Properties object. The properties defined in this object are
connect_timeout Number of seconds to wait for a connection.
key_connect Integer key to use for uid/pwd obfuscation. It must match the -kn vtxnetd option value.
no_null_string Yes - Return "" instead of null for null database strings. Default is No.
read_timeout Number of seconds to wait for a read response.
trim_ms Yes - Trim milliseconds from Timestamp parameters. Default is No.
vortex_api_logfile (Deprecated) The name of the logfile, e.g. /tmp/test. ".log" will be appended to the filename. This will override the vortex.properties logfile definition.



VORTEXjdbc references the vortex.properties file located in the same directory as vortex.jar. If this properties file is found, then VORTEXjdbc looks for SQL statements to send after the connection is made. These are named "jdbcsqln" where "n" is an integer beginning with zero and consecutive after that. For example,

jdbcsql0=set option tree on
jdbcsql1=set option plan on
jdbcsql3=set option expr on

The first two statements will be executed but not the third one.


The Driver.connect() URL can include embedded properties using the standard URL ?keyword1=value1&keyword2=value2... definition. The valid keywords are those listed above for dbChannel.connect().

Sample vortex.properties file

# VortexJava logging
# logfile is the name of the logfile, e.g. /tmp/test
# logopts is a + separated list of options (optional)

# VortexJdbc connection commands
# These are sent to target after the connection succeeds.
# A maximum of 20 statements are sent and they must be consecutively numbered
# without gaps
#jdbcsql0=set option logfile '/tmp/genesis.log'
#jdbcsql1=set option plan on

# Vortex network parameters
# connect_timeout - seconds to wait on a connect
# read_timeout - seconds to wait on a read response
# key_connect - integer key to use for uid/pwd obfuscation. Must match the
#               -kn vtxnetd option value.

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