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VORTEX Programming Interfaces


[*] VORTEX++
[*] VORTEX SQL for C
[*] VORTEX SQL for Cobol
[*] VORTEXJava(tm) Edition
[*] VORTEXjdbc
[*] VORTEXperl

VORTEX supplies several APIs in addition to TRIMpl to access the VORTEX and GENESISsql database drivers.

The VORTEXodbc and VORTEXjdbc interfaces conform to industry standards and do not require any application changes. They are targeted towards supporting access to GENESISsql data sources. While they can be used to access any VORTEX data source, they are not intended to replace the RDBMS provider's own JDBC/ODBC driver and may not support certain RDBMS providers' catalog functions.

VORTEX pre-compilers let existing applications take full advantage of the VORTEX architecture. Employing passthrough SQL, these pre-compilers are a key aspect in gaining transparent performance and portability without additional programming or development. By precompiling existing application code, you make your applications portable to multiple databases through VORTEX. Precompilers for C and COBOL add VORTEXcli calls to your application.

© 1985-2025 Updated 11 Jun 2012.