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TRIMpl is based on the industry standard programming language C. You can create script files with any text editor, such as vi or emacs, or even Notepad, and make your changes to the program files before they are compiled. These stand-alone applications are useful for writing user utilities that can be transported to any DesignVision-supported system. Other applications can call the stand-alone piece as an external function that can receive parameters and return values. There is no limit to the complexity of TRIMpl applications.

The Trifox DVApp application developer also uses TRIMpl for application control. As you choose keys, screen navigation, dialog boxes, events, and actions, the front-end designer records your choices, as well as the TRIMpl functions with which they are associated. The application environment is easily customizable to fit your requirements. DVApp relies upon a dictionary for screen object and trigger definitions so it is easy to make all of your applications have the same look and feel.

Applications and TRIMpl scripts are compiled using TRIMgen. The end result is machine-independent binary code that can be compiled on one machine and executed on other types of machines, including 32-bit to 64-bit and vice versa conversions.

Along with the runtime environment, TRIMrun, these machine-independent binary applications are what your end-users see and use. You can also package the TRIMrun executor with the application code into one executable to simplify distribution.

More Reading

 »  TRIMpl Function Reference online.

 »  TRIMpl Function Reference for download.

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