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VORTEXserver is both the virtual database interface that provides access to multiple data managers, and other translation and communication services, including VORTEXcli, the call-level interface.

The database interface, also called VORTEX, is a protocol that defines the communication modules and message blocks for all VORTEX-connected components.

VORTEXserver lets you access data from any Windows, Unix, OpenVMS client that is:
 »  Precompiled (C and COBOL).
 »  Processed through a program interface (Java, JDBC, ODBC, Perl or the native VORTEXcli).
 »  Or, in the case of TRIM and DesignVision applications, communicates straight to the database protocol.

The client application connects to VORTEXserver, either on the same machine, or on another machine to reach data anywhere on the network on one ( or more) of a huge array of relational and object-oriented data managers, as well as legacy data structures.

The server defines requests in memory and builds a request block. This "messaging" protocol functions as an envelope with an instruction sheet and all necessary data in subsequent sheets. All it needs to know is which module receives the envelope next. That module is responsible for opening, reading, and following the instructions, which include information about who next receives the envelope.

Return results from the database go back to the application in the same block as the instructions were issued.


VORTEXcli is the call-level interface. Using the supplied routines, all industry standard SQLCA/SQLDA structures, you can access any VORTEX-supported database. In addition to the elegant access, VORTEXcli supports automatic datatype conversion as well as bulk interface, making your existing C and COBOL applications efficient in a multi-tier, distributed environment.


VORTEXnet components allow VORTEX-generated programs to operate in a client-server model with heterogeneous databases on heterogeneous hardware platforms over networks. The network access method lets you move large volumes of data from the server to the client for processing and load balancing, as well as providing opportunities for performance enhancement by incorporating VORTEXaccelerator into the system.

Functioning within the existing framework of your environment, VORTEXnet is transparent and requires no modifications to your database or client applications to work quickly, elegantly, and efficiently.

How to Get VORTEXnet

VORTEXnet is a component of VORTEXserver (the server, or host portion) and the client applications that make use of it.

VORTEXclient and VORTEXserver take database independence one step further by allowing SQL applications to access data on different platforms over one or more network configurations, all without any reprogramming or additional hardware.

VORTEXclient and server incorporate performance improvements that further enhance the speed of applications. Network-transparent applications access multiple databases via mixed protocols including TCP/IP, NetBIOS, DECnet, RS232, and X25, which transfer large volumes of packetized data (rather than byte-to-byte) from the server for processing on the client. Applications require no modification to access remote databases, making it simple to distribute the applications and balance the processing load.

More Reading

The following documents are available for you:
 »  The VORTEXcli (Call Level Interface) Reference is available for download.
 »  The Trifox Resource Manual is available for download.

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