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GENESIS is a SQL processor that accesses low-level data sources such as ISAM, ADABAS C and other flat file structures.

GENESIS currently supports:

 »  ADABAS C (SoftwareAG)

 »  SDMS ISAM ( Synergex)

 »  AcuCorp VISION ( MicroFocus)

 »  MicroFocus EXTFH ( MicroFocus)

 »  OpenVMS RMS


 »  In-memory TRIMpl lists

The GENESIS ANSI 2 SQL parser works transparently with VORTEX to provide access to often difficult-to-reach data.

The requirements for adding new data sources are very few. Since most of the work is performed by the generic SQL processor, each data source need only be able to perform open/read/write/close. Trifox, Inc. can add new data source drivers in a matter of days.

© 1985-2025 Updated 30 Jan 2013.