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VORTEX Overview


[*] Example Scenarios
[*] Program Interfaces
[*] VORTEXserver
[*] GENESISsql
[*] TRIMrpc
[*] VORTEXaccelerator

Today's "open standards" have many smart people confused. Departmental legacy systems and existing applications that function just fine, combined with an organization's desire to stay current in technology can lead to frustration for end users, as well as the people who support them. With all the options available for connecting your enterprise, you need a system that is fast, scalable, and flexible. Trifox's VORTEX provides the backbone for just such an environment.

Trifox creates and supports accessware for multi-tier, distributed applications on the internet, intranet, and enterprise environments that can solve the problems of getting to your data no matter where it is, or who needs it.

The building blocks are simple. VORTEX was originally engineered for a multi-tier environment; the concepts of code efficiency and re-use are fundamental to its approach.

Example Scenarios

Current popularity of Java, and the desire to maintain an open environment have made Java applets and JDBC popular choices for new development. COBOL has never fallen out of favor, due to its unique uses, and now you can seamlessly incorporate your COBOL applications into your enterprise:

[Illustrating Scenario 1]

[*] JDBC Client Application and Oracle Server


[Illustrating Scenario 2]

[*] Java Applet to Sybase with Security Bypass


[Illustrating Scenario 3]

[*] COBOL Client Application on NT System to DB2 on Mainframe


[Illustrating Scenario 4]

[*] JDBC client application uses VORTEXaccelerator
  to access ADABAS C on MVS via GENESIS.


[Illustrating Scenario 5]

[*] DesignVision application uses TRIMrpc to access
 Daylight Chemical information

Product Family

You select the pieces that you need to fit your own environment, the components are all interoperable, and while you can improve system performance with VORTEXaccelerator, this portion can be added at any time.

VORTEX provides cross-platform communication and transparent concurrent access to all major commercial databases across multiple hardware platforms. The open architecture supports a database-independent development environment and outperforms even proprietary networks. transparent to both developers and users, VORTEX scales to your environment.

All VORTEX installations that span machines (that is, require more than one machine to work) must include a VORTEXserver, which encompasses the virtual database and VORTEXcli, the call-level interface. Application developers only need one compiler or precompiler to make VORTEX accessible to a SQL program.

[*] VORTEXserver
Includes VORTEX, VORTEXcli, and VORTEXclient/server (also called VORTEXnet).

[*] Program Interfaces
Libraries for Java, JDBC, Perl, ODBC, and C++, and pre-compilers for COBOL and C.

[*] GENESISsql
Provides access to low-level data sources.

[*] TRIMrpc
Gives you transparent access to remote procedure calls anywhere on the network.

[*] VORTEXaccelerator.
VORTEXaccelerator optimizes application performance through a sophisticated database cursor management algorithm. (See white paper.)

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